“Vere novo”
The other day, a friend from high school posted a poem, “Vere novo”/"The Genesis of Butterflies" by Victor Hugo, in the original French and was kind enough to post the English translation for me and my American Mouth. Hmm, I thought, maybe this is a sign to make a mini-book.
Later that evening, I found that I had won a prize of $12 worth of digis from Just Some Lines through the CDAC 5000 Members Blogger Contest (WOW, thank you!), and the first image I saw was her Butterfly on Flower Paper Cutwork design (PCW).
O don't you love it when a project just comes together‽I've always wanted to make a book that reads in one language when held one way and in another language when held the other. I wouldn't want to do this with a long book, but eight one-sided pages were easy enough to lay out InDesign. And, of course, it had to be a piano-hinge book.
nice little booklet. Piano hinge booklets are fun.